Estamos convencidos que el trabajo es gratificante cuando usted hace lo que se le da bien y lo que disfruta hacer.

go for im•pact

Coaching puntual

¿Está en una situación compleja y no consigue avanzar por sí mismo? ¿Quiere entender y resolver un conflicto en el trabajo, dar el siguiente paso en su carrera, reforzar su asertividad e impacto, mejorar su eficacia y gestión del tiempo, o tiene la impresión de que su carrera está "estancada" ? ¿O tiene otro tema? 

Estaré encantada de apoyarle en su autorreflexión y poner a su disposición mi experiencia y mis herramientas para que consiga una nueva perspectiva y lleve lo inconsciente a su consciencia. Aclarará su situación y juntos encontraremos una solución.

Orientación profesional

Ascenso profesional, reorientación o reincorporación al mercado laboral: descubra qué es lo que le sale bien y que le gusta hacer. Así tomará una decisión bien fundada para su futuro profesional.

Transforme su vida profesional con el análisis de competencias MORE.

Leadership Coaching

Quiere un acompañamiento profundizado y

Consolidar su gestión propia

Desarrollo de su personalidad y talentos, refuerzo de su motivación y confianza en si mismo, gestión del estrés, resolución de crisis y conflictos, aumento de su capacidad de actuar, activación de recursos, planificación de su carrera, ...

Mejorar la gestión de su equipo

Asertividad e impacto, cambio a un nuevo rol, análisis de sus puntos fuertes, imagen propia vs imagen externa, estilo de liderazgo, desarrollo de un liderazgo responsable, desarrollo de los miembros de su equipo, comunicación orientada a soluciones, resolución de conflictos, gestión de equipos multiculturales, ...

Fortalecerle en su área de responsabilidad

Valorización de su propio potencial, alineación estratégica de sus prioridades y procesos de trabajo, fomento de la iniciativa personal y de la responsabilidad dentro del equipo, ...


  • Se le abrirán nuevas perspectivas y logrará más que se esperaba.

  • Consolidará su personalidad, tendrá mejor acceso a si mismo y a los demás, aumentará su capacidad a entablar y fortalecer relaciones así como controlará mejor sus reacciones y emociones.

  • Creará una base de confianza, mejorará las estructuras y los procesos así como promoverá la toma de responsabilidades por parte de los miembros de su equipo respecto a los objetivos de la empresa.

  • Los miembros de su equipo trabajarán de forma más productiva y cooperativa, se identificarán más con usted y con los objetivos de la empresa, y actuarán con una lealtad cada vez mayor.


  • Técnicas de autodistanciamiento, comprobación de la realidad, concretizar, cambios de perspectiva.
  • Trabajo sobre su temperamento y carácter así como introducción de nuevos hábitos.
  • Reflexión sobre sus actitudes, valores, roles y creencias. 
  • Elaboración de un plan de acción y apoyo para su aplicación.
  • Técnicas de coaching logoterapéutico, de coaching sistémico, de coaching provocativo, del análisis transaccional y de The Work.
  • Tests de personalidad (MBTI, KTI, Gallup, IMDE, ...).

Quien sabe liderarse a sí mismo puede liderar a los demás

¿Como funciona?


Personalizada. Una media de 4 a 6 meses con sesiones cada dos o tres semanas.


Coaching individual a razón de 2 unidades por sesión (100 minutos en total). Presencial en Viena o virtual.


Implicación ocasional de responsables de RRHH y/o miembros de su equipo, si necesario.


Kathrin, 42, Colonia, Head of Sustainability Reporting & Stakeholder Engagement en el sector energético

Hélène me orientó muy bien cuando estaba decidiendo entre dos promociones. Hizo exactamente las preguntas adecuadas para ayudarme a definir mis valores, deseos y necesidades.

Delphine, 34, Viena, Head of Partners Ecosystems en el sector bancario digital

He trabajado con muchos enfoques en la gestión de personal en el pasado y, sin embargo, la eficacia y sencillez del análisis de competencias MORE me sorprendió. El proceso me ha aclarado muchas cosas.

Cedric, 37, Ginebra, director en una gran empressa de auditoría

Pude contar con la experiencia de Hélène para desarrollar mi Business Case y preparar las evaluaciones para mi ascenso a director. Hélène demostró una gran agudeza y una excelente capacidad para expresarse "sin rodeos".

Martina, 45, Zug (Suiza), Senior Director International Compliance and Data Privacy en la industria farmaceutica

Hace un año, me pidieron que creara un equipo de Compliance en América Latina. Con la profesionalidad y la experiencia inernacional de Hélène, pude realizar esta tarea con éxito.

Charles-Henry, 38, Annecy, Fixe Income Sales en el sector financiero

Recomiendo encarecidamente a Hélène. Pude identificar y aprovechar mis puntos fuertes y conocimientos actuales y utilizarlos para alcanzar mejor mis objetivos personales y profesionales. La excelente capacidad de escucha y formulación de Hélène contribuyó mucho a lo largo del proceso. Una de las principales conclusiones fue que aprendí a combinar mejor las actividades del tipo "lo que puedo hacer" y "lo que me gusta hacer".

Livia, 46, Berna, directora de una agencia federal

Hélène me apoya en el desarrollo de mis competencias de directiva. Desde entonces, mi confianza y seguridad en mí misma han aumentado y puedo gestionar muy bien a mis empleados, incluso a los más difíciles.

Wojciech, 30, Ginebra, autónomo en la creación de eventos 

Hélène comprende rápidamente los procesos de trabajo complejos y transmite empatía y sensibilidad, lo que resulta muy útil en las relaciones profesionales difíciles y las situaciones de conflicto.

Florence, 39, Viena, periodista free-lance

Me gusta mucho que Hélène me perciba como un todo: como "working mom", era muy importante para mí poder incorporar todos los aspectos de mi vida al coaching y ponerlos en orden.

Petra, 42, Salzburgo, psicóloga de empressa en una gran empresa austriaca

Con Hélène Cuenod soy más consciente de la fuerza que me impulsa a actuar. Reconozco el hilo conductor de mi trayectoria hasta la fecha y he llegado al corazón de mis puntos fuertes y objetivos clave.

Marine, 37, Singapur, Regional Operations Manager en la industria del lujo

Hélène Cuenod tiene un toque humano extraordinario y sabe escuchar. Me ayudó a formular las preguntas adecuadas, a escarbar en mi interior y a encontrar las respuestas que me convenían. A lo largo de las sesiones, me guió para que tomara conciencia de mis valores, mis deseos y mis necesidades, y me ayudó a estructurar mis reflexiones y a fijar nuevos objetivos personales que quería alcanzar. Aprecié mucho su precisión y su visión con respecto a mi perfil.

Maria, 33, Viena, directora de marketing para una ONG internacional 

Estimada Hélène Muchas gracias por nuestra sesión de coaching. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pudiste ayudarme con muchos "problemas" inadvertidos que me di cuenta que llevaba arrastrando durante años. Después de nuestra sesión, me sentí realmente inspirada y capacitada para trabajar mejor.

Ana, 36, Ginebra, arquitecta en un gran grupo local

Gracias por su visión acertada de mi situación. Me ha hecho tomar conciencia de cómo puedo hablar con mi jefe o con el departamento de RRHH para cambiar situaciones que me resultan desagradables. Pensaba que debía dejar mi trabajo. Sus consejos me han dado argumentos y valor.

go for im•pact 

empowering people

Hélène Cuenod

+43 660 399 69 74

[email protected]

Möllwaldplatz 5
1040 Viena

Condiciones generales de venta

Created with Sketch.


of Go for impact e.U., business consultancy, here below called Go for impact.

1. General Terms and Conditions / Scope 

1.1 All legal transactions between the Principal and Go for impact shall be subject to these General Terms and Conditions exclusively. The version valid at the time the contract is concluded shall be applicable. 

1.2 These General Terms and Conditions shall also apply to any future contractual relationships even if these General Terms and Conditions are not expressly referred to in collateral contracts. 

1.3 Any conflicting General Terms and Conditions on the part of the Principal shall be invalid unless they have been explicitly accepted in writing by Go for impact

1.4 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid, the other provisions and any contracts concluded pursuant to these provisions shall not be affected thereby. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision which best corresponds to the intention and economic purpose of the invalid provision. 

2. Scope of Consulting Assignments / Representation 

2.1 The scope of each particular consulting assignment shall be individually agreed by contract. 

2.2 Go for impact shall be entitled to subcontract, in whole or in part, the services for which Go for impact is responsible to third parties. Payment of said third parties shall be carried out exclusively by Go for impact. No contractual relationship of any kind shall exist between the Principal and said third party. 

2.3 During the validity of this Contract and for a period of three years after termination thereof, the Principal shall agree not to enter into any kind of business transactions with persons or organisations Go for impact employs to perform Go for impact’s contractual duties. In particular, the Principal shall not employ said persons or organisations to render consulting services the same or similar to those offered by Go for impact

3. Principal’s Obligation to Provide Information / Declaration of Completeness

3.1 The Principal shall ensure that during the performance of the consulting assignment, organisational conditions in the Principal’s place of business allow the consulting process to proceed in a timely and undisturbed manner. 

3.2 The Principal shall also inform Go for impact in detail about previously conducted and/or currently active consulting projects, including those in other areas of competency. 

3.3 The Principal shall, in a timely manner and without special request on the part of Go for impact, provide Go for impact with all documents necessary to fulfil and perform the consulting assignment and shall inform Go for impact of all activities and conditions pertinent to the performance of the consulting assignment. This includes all documents, activities and conditions that become known or available during the performance of the consulting assignment. 

3.4 The Principal shall ensure that all employees as well as any employee representation (works council) provided by law, if established, are informed of Go for impact’s consulting activities prior to the commencement of the assignment. 

4. Maintenance of Independence 

4.1  The contracting parties shall be committed to mutual loyalty. 

4.2  The contracting parties shall be obligated to take all necessary measures to ensure that the independence of all persons working for Go for impact and/or of any third parties employed by Go for impact is not jeopardized. This applies particularly to any employment offers made by the Principal or the acceptance of assignments on their own account. 

5. Reporting / Obligation to Report 

5.1 Go for impact shall be obligated to report to the Principal on the progress of services performed by persons working for Go for impact and/or any third parties employed by Go for impact

5.2 Go for impact shall deliver the final report in a timely manner, i.e. depending on the type of assignment, two to four weeks after completion of the assignment. 

5.3 Go for impact shall not be bound by directives while performing the agreed service and shall be free to act at Go for impact’s discretion and under Go for impact’s own responsibility. Go for impact shall not be required to work in a particular place or to keep particular working hours. 

6. Protection of Intellectual Property 

6.1 Go for impact shall retain all copyrights to any work done by Go for impact and/or by persons working for Go for impact and/or by third parties employed by Go for impact (including but not limited to tenders, reports, analyses, expert opinions, organization charts, programmes, performance descriptions, drafts, calculations, drawings, data media, etc.). During the contract period and after termination thereof, the Principal may use these materials exclusively for the purposes described under the Contract. Therefore, the Principal shall not be entitled to copy or distribute these materials without the explicit consent of Go for impact

6.2 Any violation of this provision by the Principal shall entitle Go for impact to prematurely terminate the Contract and to enforce other legal claims, in particular for restraint and/or damages. 

7. Warranties 

7.1 Go for impact shall be entitled and obligated, regardless of fault, to correct any errors and/or inaccuracies in Go for impact’s work which have become known subsequently. Go for impact shall immediately inform the Principal thereof. 

7.2 This right of the Principal expires six months after completion of the respective service.

8. Liability / Damages 

8.1 Go for impact shall be liable to the Principal for damages – with the exception of personal injury – only to the extent that these are the result of serious fault (intention or gross negligence). Correspondingly, this also applies to damages resulting from third parties employed by Go for impact

8.2 Any claim for damages on the part of the Principal may only be enforced by law within six months after those entitled to assert a claim have gained knowledge of the damage and the liable party, but not later than three years after the incident upon which the claim is based. 

8.3  The Principal shall furnish evidence of Go for impact’s fault. 

8.4  If Go for impact performs the required services with the help of third parties, any warranty claims and claims for damages which arise against the third party shall be passed on to the Principal. In this case, the Principal shall primarily refer to the third party. 

9. Confidentiality / Data Protection 

9.1 Go for impact shall be obligated to maintain complete confidentiality concerning all business matters made known to Go for impact in the course of services performed, especially trade and company secrets and any other information concerning type and/or scope of business and/or practical activities of the Principal. 

9.2 Furthermore, Go for impact shall be obligated to maintain complete confidentiality towards third parties concerning the content of the work completed, as well as any information and conditions that contributed to the completion of the work, particularly concerning data on the Principal’s clients. 

9.3 Go for impact shall not be obligated to maintain confidentiality towards any person working for Go for impact or representatives of Go for impact. Go for impact is required to obligate such persons to maintain complete confidentiality and shall be liable for any violation of confidentiality on their part in the same way as if Go for impact had breached confidentiality. 

9.4 The obligation to maintain confidentiality shall persist indefinitely even after termination of this Contract. 

9.5 Go for impact shall be entitled to use any personal data entrusted to Go for impact for the purposes of the services performed. Go for impact shall guarantee the Principal that all necessary measures will be taken, especially those regarding data protection laws, e.g. that declarations of consent are obtained from the persons involved. 

10. Remuneration 

10.1 After completion of the services agreed upon, Go for impact shall receive remuneration agreed upon in advance between Go for impact and the Principal. Go for impact shall be entitled to render intermediate accounts and to demand payment on account as required by the progress of the work. Remuneration shall be due and payable immediately after rendering accounts by Go for impact

10.2 Go for impact shall render accounts which entitle to deduct input tax and contain all elements required by law. 

10.3 Any cash expenditures, expenses, travel expenses, etc. shall be reimbursed to Go for impact by the Principal separately, upon submission of the appropriate receipts. 

10.4 In the event that the work agreed upon is not completed due to reasons on the part of the Principal, or due to a premature termination of contract by Go for impact for cause, Go for impact shall be entitled to claim payment in full of the remuneration agreed upon in advance, less expenses not incurred. In the event that an hourly fee had been agreed upon, the Principal shall pay for the number of hours expected to be required for the entire contracted assignment, less expenses not incurred. Expenses not incurred shall be calculated as a lump sum consisting of 30% of the fee required for those services that Go for impactdid not perform by the date of termination of the agreement. 

10.5 In the event that intermediate invoices are not paid, Go for impact shall be released from Go for impact’s commitment to provide further services. This shall not apply to any further claims resulting from default of payment. 

11. Electronic Invoicing 

11.1 Go for impact shall be entitled to transmit invoices electronically. The Principal agrees explicitly to accept invoices transmitted electronically by  Go for impact

12. Duration of the Agreement 

12.1 This Contract terminates with the completion of the project. 

12.2 Apart from this, this Contract may be terminated for good cause by either party at any time without notice. Grounds for premature termination include the following: 

– one party breaches major provisions of the Contract
– one party opens insolvency proceedings or the petition for bankruptcy is denied because of insufficient assets to cover expenses. 

13. Final Provisions 

13.1 The contracting parties declare that all information contained herein is accurate and made in good conscience. They shall be mutually obligated to immediately inform the other party of any changes. 

13.2 Modifications of and amendments to this Contract or these General Terms and Conditions shall be made in writing. This shall also apply to a waiver of this requirement in written form. 

13.3 This Contract is governed by the substantive law of the Republic of Austria excluding the conflict-of-law rules of international private law. Place of fulfilment is the registered business establishment of Go for impact. Jurisdiction in all disputes is the court in the place where Go for impact is based.