go for MORE

Transform your work life now

Discover what you are good at and what you enjoy doing

Increase your motivation and productivity with the MORE skills analysis.

Boost your career now

Is your life all different?

We make the best of it and help you to develop your professional 

One-to-one coaching, online worldwide or face-to-face in Vienna. 

MORE fosters your strengths. 

MORE reveals the power you have.

This is MORE. 


MORE fulfillment

We believe that work is fulfilling when people

do what they are good at and what they like

doing. We call this your motivation boosters

and are happy to help you with our expertise

to identify them.

MORE efficiency

We love efficient processes. MORE highlights

your core competencies within 4 to 5 weeks,

in 4-5 sessions and some homework .

Online or face-to-face in Vienna

MORE yourself

MORE identifies your individual source of 

motivation resulting from your professional 

and non professional life, your qualifications 

and learning experiences

What is your benefit? 

Imagine that you sit on a treasure chest but you do not know exactly what is inside. 

With MORE,  you open the chest and discover all the treasures you have.

You know what competences you have, can sort them out and link them with one another. You are unique!

Do you take what you are good at and enjoy doing for granted? 

With MORE you will recognise the common thread in your life.

You gain clarity, define new goals, make a concrete start and take control of your career.

Do you want to know more about MORE? 

Book your free 30 minute consultation 

The secret of motivation

Your motivation comes from what you do

Created with Sketch.

When you do something you are very good at and enjoy doing, you experience twice the joy: you are happy to do it and enjoy the success of doing it. 

What is the impact on your motivation?

You feel energized because your brain is releasing happiness hormones at that very moment, and you get energy from what you are doing.

When you bring your potential to light, you have your motivation under control.

Your happiness provides you with energy

Created with Sketch.

You feel inspired because you get motivation, as if you were "refuelling". What you are good at and enjoy doing are your individual motivational triggers, your "filling stations". 

Each time you do these things, you get more energy than you put into doing them (through joy, happiness, satisfaction, etc.). When you repeat them, you increase your energy.

If you strategically distribute these "filling stations" in your weekly schedule, you have a direct influence on your motivation level.

You will discover your "filling stations" with us

Created with Sketch.

The MORE skills analysis is a short and structured coaching process for efficiently recognising individual skills. With the results, you rely on concrete criteria to make good career decisions.

MORE is an offer from Stepacross (Christian Harant) and go for im•pact. It was developed by Hélène Cuenod based on the work of Dr Triebel

Are you looking for a job?

Created with Sketch.
  • Become aware of the competencies you have.
  • Identify which jobs suit you and which not.
  • Apply target-oriented.
  • Present yourself clearly, convincing and confident in job interviews

Are you looking for more self-assurance?

Created with Sketch.
  • Recognize the potential that you have developed with all your experience, professionally and private. 
  • Strengthen your own perception and learn how to value yourself. 
  • Be self-confident and with aplomb,
  • Get more convincing.

Do you want to make the next step in your career?

Created with Sketch.
  • Formulate your mission. 
  • Focus on concrete goals. 
  • Increase the chances to be appointed according to your potential. 
  • Present your competencies as well as your career plan clearly in appraisal interviews.

Do you want more purpose in your work?

Created with Sketch.

  • Act with more self-responsibility, proactivity and gain selfmotivation. 

  • Use your skills more consciously in your work.

  • Increase im•pact. 
  • Boost your performance.

Do you want to discover your talents? 

Created with Sketch.
  • Become aware of your potential
  • Find out how to unfold your talents.
  • Experience purpose, joy and fulfillment at work.
  • For you: your competencies on one page.


Fast – you get your result  in 4 to 5 weeks

Efficient – 4-5 coaching sessions of 2 hours plus some autonomous 

Structured – the process is standardized and tested.

Clear – you get your core competencies on one page.

Self-effective – you formulate your competencies in your own 


Do you want MORE?

MORE is an initiative of 

go for im•pact 

executive coaching 

& mediation

Hélène Cuenod MA

+43 660 399 69 74

[email protected]

Möllwaldplatz 5
1040 Vienna